About Alan Rosenfeld
Attorney-at Law

I come from a generation that believed in our ability and responsibility to make the world a better place.
I grew up learning from mentors who had been part of the great civil rights struggle of the early 1960’s.
I was very involved in the movement that ended the horrible war in Vietnam and was part of the anti- nuclear power movement of the late 70’s and early 80’s. I ultimately graduated with a J.D. from the State University of New York at Buffalo Law School.
For the past thirty years I have been an attorney with a unique national practice representing battered women and helping to protect children from sexual abuse.
I have been actively engaged in the national movement to address the crisis of our failure to protect children from family violence and abuse. I’ve been an invited participant in international conferences and national think tanks and as a consultant to a Justice Department funded program to try to create a solution this national epidemic.